
Stay up to date with the happenings at the Ranch

May 12, 2024

May 12, 2024

Monday was an extremely busy day. I was on my own today and it was hay day.  Because of thee amount of mud we have in our main entrance to the large pasture and the small pasture we are having to come up with some creative ways to ensure the horses are getting everything they […]

May 5, 2024

May 05, 2024

Monday Tracey and Maureen were here to do chores while I was at work. From what I understand it was a pretty adventurous day, the tractor got stuck with the trailer right in the gate so they had a party trying to keep the cows in the pasture. The tractor got stuck again between the […]

April 28, 2024

Apr 28, 2024

Monday was a busy day at the ranch, I was working from home and took care of the chores during my breaks. I also reported on the results of the Wine & Dine 4 Equine and did the draws for the prizes that were left behind for the event. Today was also hay day so […]

April 21, 2024

Apr 21, 2024

Monday I was in the city for work all day and Karen and Leah were out to do chores. They also built a divider in the warm room so we could contain momma and her kittens without having to worry about the door. After work Jake and I had to go pick up two ponies […]

April 14, 2024

Apr 19, 2024

Monday was a quieter day at the ranch, it was spent feeding and watering horses and doing some of the last-minute tasks getting ready for our event on Saturday as well as working. There has been some ticket juggling happening and we still have prizes for the silent auction coming in. The weather is beautiful […]

April 7, 2024

Apr 07, 2024

Monday was a holiday for us, thankfully because I was sicker than a dog. No clue what’s going on, either food poisoning of the flu. My hubby was home and took care of all the chores. Tuesday Tracey was out taking care of business and I was stuck in bed again all day. We donated […]

March 31, 2024

Mar 28, 2024

Monday was a busy day, it was my first day back to work and I spent it studying SAFe 6.0 from home because my hardware was not ready yet. Karen was here to take care of chores and we also ended our quarantine today as it has been one month since we had any strangles […]


Mar 24, 2024

Proper biosecurity measures are very important when going from one facility to another. To ensure the public is aware of what proper biosecurity measures entail, we wanted to post this article: Only Essential Visitors – Only allow essential visitors on the premises. Ensure you are aware of all people on-premises and advise what steps need […]


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