May 5, 2024

Monday Tracey and Maureen were here to do chores while I was at work. From what I understand it was a pretty adventurous day, the tractor got stuck with the trailer right in the gate so they had a party trying to keep the cows in the pasture. The tractor got stuck again between the small and large pasture so had to drop the bale there so he could get unstuck. Other than that the chores got done. I got home from work pretty late but managed to go for a quick visit with the baby turkeys and kittens.

Tuesday Tracey was here super early to do chores before Robyn got here for hoof trimming. Unfortunately, there was no one else here to help with it so it was a bit of a rodeo. While they were trimming horses in the corral, nine minis somehow got out of the pony pasture so they had to stop what they were doing to corral them, catch them and lead them back to the mini pasture. It was a bit of a hectic day for them, but they still managed to get several horses trimmed.

Wednesday Karen was out to do chores and I was at work. I got a call from Amy at Birkett Freight Solutions, they had a truckload of bread that they could deliver to us for the critters if we were willing to take it all. Of course, I said yes and then went to work finding people to help Karen with the load. I think they managed it with just five of them. I couldn’t believe it when I got home and saw the crazy amount of bread that was there. We contacted the other rescues in the area and arranged for pickups tomorrow, we will see how much we get through. Since I got home I have been working on the website updates and getting our sponsors into their private Facebook Group.

Thursday was a busy day at the ranch, I was working from home and was doing chores during the breaks. We had people coming to pick up bread all day for their critters, we are probably about 1/3 of the way through the pile. Jake, Ann and Hailey were out late in the day for some horsemanship classes and a lovely young lady came to look at some horses, she seemed quite smitten with Cash, I can’t say I blame her. Afterward I spent some time talking to an accountant about doing some work for us and then worked on updating the website, I’m happy with the design now, still have lots of work to get the pages updated. 

Friday Karen surprised me and was here to do chores. It was amazing not to have to multitask while working. More people came by to pick up bread, it is about 1/3 gone now. A few weeks ago we shared some of our chicken eggs with a family who wanted to use their incubator while teaching their kids about the miracle of life and sharing with their kids school, well they brought us three adorable chicks. After work Jake came out to teach some lessons. We became aware of a horse they were unable to find a home for and we started a fundraiser to save the poor girl from the meat truck.

Saturday I went out and did chores on my own. The mare we had been raising money to save found a home but we wee told there was another gelding who needed a home, thankfully our contributors were willing to support this horse instead. There has been a lot of drama on Facebook to deal with this weekend, but the truth will come out in the end and as long as we are doing everything we can do for the horses, that’s what matters. Everyone has a lot to say, but noone wants to come see for themselves.

Sunday I was up bright and early to do chores before leaving to pick up the horse we agreed to bring in. Shelly, Jake and I headed out and had a very smooth trip. It was honestly great to see Tara’s setup as it is exactly the way I plan to set up our barn and paddocks once we are in a place to build up the facilities. We got her here and did a Facebook live to show her off to all the people that made her rescue happen, so they could see what they accomplished. I swear this girl took a sigh of relief when we put her in the pen. Yes, she turned out to be a mare, not a gelding, but we don’t discriminate. She has quite a big lump on her throat so we are going to have Dr. Neil in as soon as possible to have a look.


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