June 18, 2023

Welcome to the weekly windup, of course, it has been another busy week at The Barefoot Ranch. On Monday, we did regular chores, and got a visit from Anneliese Fritz and her lovely friend Maureen, we gave them a tour and they brought some great treats for the horses. Cleaned the duck pond and spent some time with the critters and then went inside and worked on some paperwork.

On Tuesday, we spent the day at Beaudry Farm and trimmed up our horses at that location, we also did some deworming, sprayed for bugs, and loved them up as much as we could. The guys at Beaudry laid out a beautiful lunch for us and we loved every minute of our time there. Of course, after that we came home and did our chores here.

On Wednesday, we spent the day around home, doing chores, and also had a job interview. Unfortunately, the job was no go, but at least the animals think I am top-notch.

On Thursday, we did chores around home, did some more work on the ponds and made sure all the critters got lots of love. Did some paperwork and web work for the ranch, trying to get things all caught up.

On Friday, we did chores in the morning and did some tidying of the yard, house, and garage. We took a load to the dump and then headed straight for the city to pick up our loop load. We also went to Peavey Mart to pick up some fencing so we could let the ponies and the goats in the backyard to eat some luscious grass.

On Saturday, we headed to South-eastern Manitoba to try again for the two lovely draft ladies and the gorgeous paint. We spent a few hours out there but we managed to get Loki, Freya and Jenny loaded and headed for home. We drove straight into the pasture when we got here and set them free. The three have settled in amazingly well and we are really enjoying having them here.

On Sunday, besides doing regular chores, we had our farrier out. Despite the heat, we managed to get seven horses trimmed up. While our volunteers worked on that, we also managed to get quite a bit of our loop fed out. I also managed to get the electric fence set up in the back yard so I could let the ponies eat up some of the luscious grass in the back yard.

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