September 17, 2023

Monday woke up and did chores, went to the bank and deposited the money from the event on Sunday and made payments to the hay guy, vet and feedlot. No idea what else happened this day because I apparently combined Monday and Tuesday into one day lol.

Tuesday was a long day (do I really have to say woke up and did chores? lol). Did my two job interviews, which both seemed to go pretty well. Drove all the way out to South Junction, Manitoba to pick up a lovely little mare with a bum knee. Opal is a beautiful red dun, with a very sweet personality. On the way home we stopped at Peavey Mart to pick up some feed. Opal and I were quite popular at Peavey Mart, I’m not used to having so many people ask about the ranch and the rescue horses when I go there. Guess I should always take a horse with me when I go. We got home and I brought Opal into the corral and put her with Phoenix, they both have the same temperament so they instantly got along like they had known each other for years.

Wednesday, guess what I did when I got up? You got it, chores! lol Afterward I headed out to Great Falls to pick up another horse, he is an amazing big quarterhorse buckskin named buckie. Not sure how much I like that name so I think we are going to change it slightly to Buckeye, close enough he should still know his name, but less ominous lol I put him in the pen in the front where he will stay for a bit. I’m thinking I’m going to move Casalsa into the small section of the Corral and put Buckeye, Joey, Opal and Phoenix all together in the big part. They are all sweethearts, I think they would do well together. After we got him situated, we had a lovely photographer come to take pictures of the animals. I can’t wait to see them. Unfortunately, some of the horses stayed away and we didn’t get pictures of them, but she took quite a few.

Thursday morning I had a good laugh at handsome Leroy. He got put out in the pasture because he finished his medication. I wanted to put him in the small pasture because he is a bit on the thin side and I wanted to feed him special feed. Leroy had other ideas, he wanted to be in the large pasture with his buddies. I figured okay Leroy, have it your way, and then went about doing my chores. Leroy saw that the small pasture was getting extra feed and thought WAIT A SECOND!!! He then decided he wanted in the small pasture and stared me down until I got the message. I put him in the small pasture to eat the special feed and thought, well I guess I got my way after all. But as soon as the feed was gone, Leroy was done with the small pasture and I thought he was going to knock the gate down trying to get there. I guess Leroy goes where Leroy wants to go when it serves his purpose lol. After chores, I went into Selkirk to get some work done on my truck and to get some brochures printed for the adoption event at Canvasback on Saturday. A bunch of drama went down on Facebook and we got a few calls about donations and a few more horses that need intake.

Friday same old chores I do every morning. EXCEPT I had to go get feed first lol Afterward I drove out to Woodlands to pick up another horse named Ulysses, he was quite the trailer rider. Loaded great but spun himself around in circles in that trailer and had my truck moving pretty good. He was tied real short too. I felt pretty bad for him taking him away from his buddies, but he requires special care and his owners weren’t able to take care of it. We will get the vet out here and see what we can do for him. That’s about it for the day as it was a little rainy and miserable outside. I did manage to get some paperwork done which is awesome.

Saturday was a very busy day after chores we loaded up Athena and Perdita and went to Canvasback for the adoption event. Some other team members headed to the Grunthal Auction. The team there got thrown into a bit of a panic when they saw two semi trucks pull up, thinking they were meat trucks. Thankfully, but also still sadly, they were unloading. At Canvasback we met some great people, saw some beautiful animals and somehow I managed not to come home with seven more dogs. The team and Grunthal managed to get two big beautiful black horses that we have named Domino and Diablo. We all met back at the ranch and unloaded the horses. Then we had a visitor who fell in love with three of our ponies, Sugar, Willow and Stanley. She decided to adopt all three, we managed to catch Stanley no problem, but Sugar and Willow are another story.

Sunday was another incredibly busy day. Judith Graille surprised us first thing this morning with a special visit, it was so amazing to see her. I took her around to see the horses and Braego, formerly housed with her at Parkland Ranch, walked right up to see her. She is going to come back to visit us in October and we are going to take her to go see Casey and Gazelle who also came from her. We then had our new Chiropractor out to treat a couple of horses and see what could be done for them. Alex’s neck was out, but he fixed that and other than that he is good to go. We will start training him next week to see how he goes. He told us that unfortunately there is nothing that can be done for Michou, so it sounds like we aren’t going to be able to bring him back to a rideable condition. He also checked out Becel and it looks like he has a hip issue, we need to do some groundwork with him to make him easier to work with and then he will fix him up. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to catch Ghost to get him checked out. Then our beloved Zibaya went down, we knew we were going to have to put him down before winter but we had hoped we could give him another month. He told us it was time to let him go. When Dr. Neal was doing the last act of kindness, usually a horse will twitch a bit when being put down. Well Zibaya looked like he was galloping, I just imagined that was him crossing the rainbow bridge. That horse was such a sweetheart. Pretty sure I mentioned it before but I sure would have loved to have done more for him. My husband also managed to catch Sugar and Willow all by himself while we were taking care of the rest of it. So Sugar and Willow also went to their new home.

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