Volunteer Orientation Day

This is the day we meet our new volunteers, give them a tour and let them know what's in store for the summer. If you are interested in volunteering, this is the day for you to come on out

Spring Clean Up Day

The Barefoot Ranch 9108E Rd 98 N, Teulon, Manitoba, Canada

This is the day we all get together to clean up the ranch from the long winter months and get everything ready for visitors in the spring and summer

Donate a Day’s Wages to Charity

Donate A Day’s Wages To Charity Day is part of the One Day’s Wages movement, which first started in 2009. The day was created to not only celebrate the many organizations out there that do good, important work for the sake of others, domestically and around the globe. It was also created to remind everyone […]

Equine Emergency First Aid

The Barefoot Ranch 9108E Rd 98 N, Teulon, Manitoba, Canada

Equi-Health Canada's Equine Emergency First Aid Full-Day Certification. Participants will receive a manual to take home, vitals card & Certificate upon completion. Course is a combination for lessons & hands on practice/scenarios to ensure you are comfortable with the skills being taught. Topics include: prevention, pain detection, vitals, shock, colic and digestive emergencies, hoof disease […]

Advanced Equine First Aid

The Barefoot Ranch 9108E Rd 98 N, Teulon, Manitoba, Canada

Equi-Health Canada's Advanced Equine First Aid Full-Day Certification is a combination of lessons and hands on learning. Topics include: broken bones, trapped horses, toxins & poisons, poisonous plants, exercise & conditioning, foreign body, punctures, Chest wounds, abdominal wounds, major bleeds, and much more. This course is valid for continuing education credit with Equestrian Canada & […]

Disaster Planning & Emergency Preparedness

The Barefoot Ranch 9108E Rd 98 N, Teulon, Manitoba, Canada

Emergencies Happen - Do you have a plan? Every couple of years we hear about disasters taking place in different areas of the county, whether its fires or floods...or even barn fires. During this full-day of lessons and hands on learning we cover topics related to preparing an appropriate evacuation plan and what to consider […]

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