Another weekend is coming to an end and this one hasn’t been boring. Saturday was hoof trimming day and we got several horses trimmed up. Amber got her second trim, her hooves are still really bad but coming around slowly. Our Momma Stardust got her hooves done as well and she seems a lot less stiff today than she was before her trim. We got Sunny, Qu’Appelle, Diesel and Astrid vaccinated and they are ready to go to their new homes next month.
First thing this morning some of our volunteers found that Mrs. Goose has laid some eggs. We are going to leave them alone and see what happens with them. Today was also Volunteer Orientation and we met some great people interested in volunteering here. We gave them a tour and told them about the ranch, and then it was time to get to work.
We had quite an adventure catching Blackjack and Scout! We needed to catch them and get halters on them for their upcoming appointments this week. Blackjack, Scout and Maximus will be getting gelded this week. Jake also was able to get on Maximus, so that’s super exciting!
Welcome to the new volunteers, we are super happy to have you on board. Thank you so much to all our volunteers for their hard work this week! We appreciate you more than you know! We are stoked to see that our 50/50 is above $2000 and all in all it’s been a fantastic weekend!