October 8, 2023

Monday went to the feedlot and got feed, worked out great this time as I ordered on Friday and they had everything wrapped up for me and ready to go this morning. Did chores, Jake came out to do some training. Got all the donation receipts done for August and September. Worked on my Dad’s eulogy, I feel like the knot in the pit of my stomach is starting to reside.

Tuesday was a busy day with Dr. Neil out. We got several tooth floats done, a castration and an eye injury treated. All our thin horses now have had their teeth floated. We got some blood taken from Amika because she is not gaining weight like we would like and her teeth are not bad enough to justify her body condition. We also, as suspected, found out that Molly (Mindy) will have to be put down before winter. She is so incredibly sweet so I’m pretty sad about that, but I knew it was coming. AND Buckeye is good to go for light riding.

Wednesday was another busy day, Tracey came to help with chores. After school we went to go pick up Jake so he could do some training. A little boy named Tygren came with his grandma and aunty to pick up Sage, but as soon as that little boy saw Sandy and Sandy saw that little boy, they were inseparable. They were drawn together like magnets, it was truly awesome and amazing to see. So plans quickly changed, and they took Sandy home. Then we had Doreen show up with some senior feed and to visit Buckeye. After that our bale guy came in with a load of bales so we could get started with our skinny horses. In the evening some friends showed up with a few laughs and some stress relief after a very stressful week.

Thursday was a quiet day at the ranch Karen and some friends were out here and did chores and took a tour around. I fed the skinnies and took hay out to the corral. It was a rainy day so I spent the majority of the day in the house doing laundry and cleaning up a bit. I have to leave early Friday morning for my Dad’s funeral.

Friday headed out early for my Dad’s funeral in Saskatchewan. While we were away, Jake, Tamara and Tracey were here to take care of chores. Jake had to give some Duplo to Opal to help her recover from her eye injury. He also did a couple of lessons and rode Alex.

Saturday we traveled back from Saskatchewan. Jake, Karen, Leah, Jenna and Tracey were here to take care of chores again. They put lots of straw in the pig and goat shelters to help keep them warm and snuggly in this colder weather. They also made a big slop for the piggies, they had a very good day and were spoiled. They also put up a couple of roosts in the shelters for the birds. We also had a lovely young lady, all the way from Saskatchewan here to look at Perdita. She loved her so much and didn’t want her to be alone, she ended up adopting Bella as well. She couldn’t have picked two better ponies for sure. They both will be missed around here, but we sure can’t keep them all, as much as we would like to. We also got an update on Max, Honey and Amber, the three of them are doing so amazing and they look so good. We are so grateful for Lorraine taking them into her care.

Sunday after chores, we had an awesome family come for a visit. This lady was here with her friend in the summer and really wanted to come back and show her kids. They drove 6.5 hours to come and see the animals here, what an amazing family! We went and picked up a couple loads of bales. Some very lovely people donated 300 bales to us as well as some amazing gear. We will have a bigger, better post about that later this week, once we get it all hauled and take a couple pictures. We also had a new horse hauled in named Rosie, she is a real sweetheart, but she also has a very sore knee. Jake, Grace and Alana were gracious enough to help me with the bales.

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