
If you have the space, find room in your heart to foster a horse

Ebony & HersheyThe Barefoot Ranch is happy to offer a fostering program for the horses and other animals here. This gives our horses a better opportunity for one on one time and socialization with individuals or even a family. Foster homes are temporary homes for the animals until permanent homes can be found and they are critically important to our success. Foster homes are responsible for basic care (e.g., housing, feed) and The Barefoot Ranch covers the cost of veterinary, farrier, and other extraordinary expenses. We work very closely with foster homes to ensure they have all they need to be a safe haven for the horses that come into our care.

Ebony & HersheyThe steps to become a foster home for The Barefoot Ranch are as follows:

  • Step 1. Fill out our Fostering Application indicating which horse you are interested in.
  • Step 2. We will contact you for an initial interview and go over your application and discuss your horse of interest.
  • Step 3. We will check your references and contact your farrier and veterinary clinic to ensure there are no concerns.
  • Step 4. We will contact you to let you know that your references have checked out and arrange an initial meeting with your chosen horse.
  • Step 5. If the two of you are a match, we will make arrangements to do a farm check to ensure you are set up for a horse (shelter, water source, feed, etc.)
  • Step 6. The Fostering Agreement is signed, ensuring you fully understand the terms and conditions by which our foster homes are expected to operate.
  • Step 7. Arrangements are made for the pickup or drop off of your chosen horse.
  • Step 8. We will do a check-in with you three days after receiving the horse to ensure all is well.
  • Step 9. We will check in two weeks after adoption for one last check to ensure all is well.

BuddyOf course you are always welcome to contact us at any time with any questions or concerns.

Foster homes, and families, often take on the huge responsibility of caring for, and loving, a horse that may not be in the best health, may have never known kindness, or simply be confused about a new home and surroundings.

If this is something that interests you, we would love to have you on our team.

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